First, my website has been done as the host lost a server. It took a few days for the host to get things partially up and working. I had to upload my website (800+ files), and that restored the photos I was using for auctions and the pages themselves, but because I use FrontPage to create my site, I had to wait a few more days for the navigation structure to come online. In the meantime, one could navigate my site, but one had to use the back button on the browser to go back. Finally, the FrontPage extensions were installed and I had to upload part of my site again, but then the navigation bars were there. While there was no real harm done, it was a bit annoying since I was running auctions and I had contacted some decorators about my botanicals!
Second, I knit part-time for a lady and she has now come up with a hundred different things for me to do -- NOW!!! Nothing from her for months -- since last August -- and now a whole lot of things to do. I've also been negotiating with another lady for custom knitting but despite all her "I'll call you soon", nothing from her so far.
Third, Frankie, my Indian ringneck parakeet, has been ''off" lately. His poops were strange, with a bit of blood. He was sitting around fluffy. He didn't seem himself. Nasty ideas of kidney infections popped into my head. The other day, I noticed a bulge in his bottom and then things fell into place. Frankie was having an egg! (I now have to relearn tosay 'she' when referring to Frankie.) Immediately I got worried about him-now-her being egg-bound. Unfortunately, Frankie is one of my rescue birds and the stress of taking her out of her cage and taking her to a vet over an hour away, probably would kill her. Not to mention the moment one walks into an avian vet office it's $65. (Eggbinding treatment can easily top $1000!) So, I've been fretting and stewing about all this. Well, Wednesday, from 4:30-5:00 pm, we had an egg! She's resting now, and she seems to be having huge poops, so I'm wondering is egg #2 is on it's way. I hope not as egg laying can be very demanding on a bird (and owner). But she's eating, screaming a bit, and seems a whole lot happier to have that huge thing out of her!!!
Fourth, I'm trying to finish up a commission by this coming Monday. I'm about 3/4ths done with it and it's coming out fine, but now with the next item, I'm really cutting it close.
Fifth, tomorrow, Saturday, I do a show in Montrose. It's a one-day show, so I have to drive 2 hours, set up, sit there and demonstrate something from 9-4, pack up, and then drive home. It makes for a long day. Luckily hubby will be home and go with me so that helps some. (Unfortunately, the d-o-g will also be going with us, so I'm not sure how helpful hubby will be.) I did a show in Montrose last year and it was a pretty nice little show. So, I'm trying it again. And this time, I sent out postcard invitations to local decorators, so maybe they will come and make my trip worth it.
And finally, I have been looking into either substitute teaching or getting my teaching certificate and teach fulltime. I'm not happy with my sales this year and thanks to some bad luck with hubby's truck (a new week, a new alternator), we are having some cash flow problems. So, I'm thinking of getting a part-time job and the substitute teaching seems pretty ideal. It pays well, I only have to pass a background check (no classes to take), and I can work as little or as much as I want. Admittedly, I will be the 'sub' and I do remember how i tormented them when I was in junior high. Anyway, just thinking of giving up part of my art time has really upset. I like my life as a full-time artist, and getting even a part-time job feels like I'm giving up. BUT I'm not giving up on doing art and I still believe that I have the skills and vision it takes to make a living at art. Sometimes reality just isn't nice!
So, wish me luck tomorrow and go to my website and buy lots of portrait commissions!
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