27 December 2012


Despite my worries, things for the most turned out okay.

Wendy seems to be doing well.  She's still not back to regular pooping, but she's not throwing up either.  I'm hoping that over night we will have results.  (Yes, a cat mom looks forward to poo sometimes.)  She's just a precious girl.

I got several things done from my lists.

  • bought groceries
  • cleaned windows 
  • vacuumed and swept floors
  • wrote one review
Not too bad, considering my energy level is 0 and Facebook chatting is a major time consumer.  But about the chatting, it's nice to talk with people on different continents, so it's well worth the time.

There is a bit of bad news.  Clancy, my conundrum kitty, is having one of his spells.  He didn't want lunch and was drooling a bit.  He seemed to want supper but didn't eat it.  I think he has a mouth sore from the phosphorus build up.  (He has chronic kidney failure.)  I gave him some Maalox to help the stomach acid, so maybe by bedtime, he will eat.  He was doing well until someone didn't make food for a week... 

Assuming tomorrow's weather is okay, I think I might head down the hill to Palm Desert and buy what I need to bind Maggie's scrapbook pages.  I worry that they will be damaged laying around.  And I have my list of stamping things to buy also.  I might also stop and shop for clothes, if I have to go all the way into Palm Desert, instead of just on the edge.

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